
How do I setup a source node to pull from an FTP site?

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asked Mar 5, 2020 by amanda-w-3695 (5,050 points)

1 Answer

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When setting up a source node as an FTP, the following steps need to be taken:

1. Set the Source drop-down as FTP.

2. Input the Path from where data will be pulled.

3. Set the Host and Port of the FTP being used.

4. Select the Protocol, FTP- File Transfer Protocol or SFTP - SSH File Transfer Protocol, that will be used on this channel. If FTP is being used, set the Encryption drop-down to either: Use plain FTP, Require explicity FTP over TLS or Require implicit FTP over TLS. 

5. Type in the Username Password to be used to access the site. 

6. Once the above is completed, press the Test FTP button to validate that you have connectivity. 

7. Lastly, be sure to Save the changes just completed. 

answered Mar 5, 2020 by amanda-w-3695 (5,050 points)